Copy of Lodge 129 Egwa Tawa Dee Flap NOAC 1986
Lodge 129 Egwa Tawa Dee Flap. Mint condition. NOAC 1986
Order of the Arrow Lodges is identified by the name of the lodge and a number assigned to the lodge. This category is listed by the number. In the future, we may have to change to the name but for now, this seems to be the way that these items are collected nationally. Hopefully, you will find and buy the items for your collection now.
Lodge 129 Egwa Tawa Dee Flap. Mint condition. NOAC 1986
Lodge 489 Nishkin Halupa A Pe Lachi Flap S-1a. Mint condition.
Lodge 508 Tu-Cubin-Noonie Chevron Lodge Activities Type 1. Excellent condition.
Lodge 508 Tu-Cubin-Noonie Lodge Conference Patch. Seek the Arrow As a Team. Mint condition.
Lodge 508 Tu-Cubin-Noonie Patch Ceremonies Jacket Patch. Mint condition.
Lodge 1 Unami Flap S-2. Cloth backing. Excellent condition.
Lodge 1 Unami Flap S-? NOAC 2004 90th Anniv. Excellent condition.
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