Lodge 508
Lodge 520
Lodge 535
Lodge 590
Lodges by Number
- Lodge 001-049
- Lodge 050-099
- Lodge 100-149
- Lodge 150-199
- Lodge 200-249
- Lodge 250-299
- Lodge 300-349
- Lodge 350-399
- Lodge 400-449
- Lodge 450-499
- Lodge 500+
- Lodge 514
- Lodge 529
- Lodge 561
National Jamboree
Order of the Arrow Lodges by Number
The Order of the Arrow was first started in 1915 at the Treasure Island Camp. It continues today as a premier program for leadership and skill development for the youth.
Order of the Arrow Lodges is identified by the name of the lodge and a number assigned to the lodge. This category is listed by the number. In the future, we may have to change to the name but for now, this seems to be the way that these items are collected nationally. Hopefully, you will find and buy the items for your collection now.

Lodge 255 Gyantwachia Flap S-17. NOAC 1996
Lodge 255 Gyantwachia Flap S-17. NOAC 1996. Mint condition.

Lodge 255 Gyantwachia Flap S-?. NOAC 2002
Lodge 255 Gyantwachia Flap S-?. NOAC 2002 Mint condition.

Lodge 257 Agaming Flap S-10. 75th Anniv.
Lodge 257 Agaming Flap S-10. 75th Anniv. Mint condition.
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